Greetings All Members,

Just a quick note to check in with everyone as we wrap up the first round of games.

  • Open – some surprise teams, and a lot of great competition this year, looking to see if Rios can come in and win it all in their inaugural year.
  • +30 – this has to be one of the closest seasons we have had in the last 10 years, there are no more sure bets, easy wins, and or blowouts. Lots of competitive matches and the league trophy is completely up for grabs
  • +40 – Great battles in this league with the top 3 teams suffering only one loss in the last 15 games combined.

I also want to thank the leagues on being better with talking back to the refs, I have noticed a lot more respectful conversations, and sportsmanship between teams. Although we are still getting the occasional flare up, I feel we are heading in the right direction.

I also think the partnership with Rivers FC has been great, we love handing out tickets to the player of the match, and showing our support at the games. If you have not gone, make a big effort to get to a game, the atmosphere is great!

** August long tournament is a go – contact Rob Piva if you want to enter a team! **

In saying that there are a couple things that need to be brought to your attention

1. Thunder/Lightning – “When considering resumption of any athletics activity, wait at least thirty (30) minutes after the last flash of lightning or sound of thunder before returning to the field.” This is directly from the Soccer Canada Policy handbook, and our Refs have been instructed to follow this guideline. If this happens, please find shelter for the 30 minutes from the last strike until it is safe to play again. This is not up for negotiation, please do not try and haggle with the Ref at it is not at their discretion, it is a 30-minute policy.
2. Smoke – We are getting together as an executive to review these procedures as we head into the summer months. Lets just hope for no fires this year, but if there is we will give you a plan that will be outlines on our website.
3. Fields – First of all I am sorry that some teams are having to play on school fields, believe me this was not our intent, and I can assure you we are not happy with this outcome either. Kamloops have taken fields from us (that were contracted) I want to give Rob Piva a big shout out as he continues to try and find better options for our leagues.
4. We are getting better at handing in the ref reports and we the admin are collecting the data. I have been in touch with the President of the Refs association, and we continue to have good discussions on how to better the level or Refs and our league.

Looking forward to starting the 2nd round, and keeping up with the league happenings!
